Dates for your 2023 digital signage content calendar
Hopefully your annual digital signage content calendar is well underway and your team of creatives are already deep into campaign planning! If not, we’ve put a long list of key dates together to give you a head start in putting together your content creation to-do list.
Tip: In an ideal world, and to get maximum impact out of a digital canvas, we highly recommend starting to plan digital content campaigns at least 2 months prior to the actual event. So, let’s get planning! Here’s what’s to come…
4th February: Six Nations Begins
9th February: Cricket World Cup Begins
14th February: Valentines Day
21st February: Pancake Day
2nd March: Word Book Day
8th March: International Women’s Day
17th March: St Patricks Day
19th March: Mothers Day
20th March: Start of Spring
1st April: April Fool’s Day
7th April: Good Friday
9th April: Easter Sunday
10th April: Easter Monday
21st April: Eid al-Fitre
23rd April: St George’s Day
1st May: Mental Health Awareness Month
1st May: Early May Bank Holiday
8th May: Coronation of the King
29th May: Spring Bank Holiday
5th June: World Environment Day
8th June: World Ocean Day
18th June: Fathers Day
21st June: National Selfie Day
28 June: LGBTQIA+ Pride
30th June: World Social Media Day
3rd July: Wimbledon Begins
4th July: Independence Day
School summer holidays start (dates differ)
19th August: World Photography Day
28th August: Summer Bank Holiday
Back to school(dates differ)
22nd September: Start of Autumn
Black History Month
31st October: Halloween
5th November: Bonfire Night
11th November: Remembrance Sunday
23rd November: Thanksgiving (US)
24th November: Black Friday
27th November: Cyber Monday
8th December: Christmas Jumper Day
21st December: First day of winter
24th December: Christmas Eve
25th December: Christmas Day
26th December: Boxing Day
31st December: New Years Eve
Content Support Services
If you’re struggling to refresh your canvas with new digital content campaigns that are timely and relevant, we offer highly beneficial content support services.
We’ll take ownership of your digital content calendar, bring ideas to the table, and ensure that timely seasonal campaigns are live on screen when they need to be, allowing you to get better use out of your canvas, more eyes on screens, and more people connecting with your brand.
To find out more about our ongoing content support services, get in touch with us at